Tinley Park, 60487 and surrounding areas
Since 2018, Building Healthy Communities Tinley Park, IL has been on a mission to provide a safe space where like-minded people can come together. We enjoy plant-based meals or WFPB samples, cooking demos, nutrition information, and healthful discussions. We welcome the plant-curious, plant-exclusive individuals, and everyone on the journey in between!Our group is open to anyone interested in improving their health by eating a variety of colorful whole plant foods. We have several co-leaders who work together to organize our gatherings. A nominal fee may be charged to cover the cost of room rental and food samples.
Come find out what our Community is all about and when our next meeting will be.
We regularly visit local restaurants that offer compliant meals and host WFPB oil-free potlucks. We partner with Food For Life instructors in the area, who will present programs throughout the year. We also send regular updates to attendees about area events and post our events on the PBNM.org website calendar.