Rochester, 14620 and surrounding areas
The Rochester Area Vegan Society was founded in 1989 with a vision of a compassionate, non-violent world embodied in a local community that embraces vegan values: the idea that animals have a right to their own lives and do not exist to provide food or to be exploited by us in any way. RAVS is a non-profit, tax-exempt, non-sectarian, all-volunteer organization dedicated to promoting the joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegan lifestyle.RAVS provides support to our members through regular gatherings, and we provide outreach and education to the larger community. Membership is open to vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike as long as they support the goals of the organization and observe vegan values when they attend RAVS events. RAVS frequently staffs information tables at health, wellness and environmental fairs. Every year, along with the local animal rights group, co-sponsors the Rochester VegFest.
Come find out what our Community is all about and when our next meeting will be.
The Rochester Area Vegan Society (RAVS) has monthly meetings on the 3rd Sunday of the month which consist of a vegan potluck followed by an informational program. For exact time, date, location and program, check our website rochesterveg.org, or email rochesterveg@gmail.com to be put on our notification list. We typically have an outdoor picnic in July or August and a holiday party in December. RAVS has about 300 members; we welcome non-members at our events and gladly add them to our database.