Secil Topaloglu
Food for Life Instructor

As an academic researcher, Secil specializes in environmental sociology and feminist theory. Given her sociological background, she initially became an ethical vegan by making the connection between the female body and the environment. Subsequently, while applying her research skills, she discovered the evidence-base behind a whole- foods, plant-based diet. With this knowledge, she made huge gains in her own health while losing some excess weight. While she’s a passionate sociologist, Secil also wants to wants to make an impact in the lives of others with all that she has learned and applied to herself. As someone who has lived in many different countries and discovered various food cultures, Secil’s biggest passion is cooking, trying new recipes, producing her own creations and sharing them with the community. Coupling her passion for healthy cooking and veganism brings Secil deep fulfillment and authenticity to her life.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Myrtle Beach, SC and surrounding cities: Surfside Beach, Garden City, Murrels Inlet, Pawlew Island, Conway and Nort Myrtle Beach.
Upcoming Classes
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