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NAM Use for Regulatory Application

Coming Soon

NURA is developing several new in-person and virtual training opportunities, including:

  • A Hands-on QSAR Training
  • Replacement of Horseshoe Crabs
  • Validation of NAMs

Join our mailing list to get updates on our latest learning opportunities. You can also use the form to provide feedback and suggest training topics. Alternatively, you can email us with your comments and suggestions at nura [at]

Call for NURA Presenters

We would like to feature your human-based nonanimal approach in a webinar. 

You will have the opportunity to present your method to a diverse professional audience from industry, government, NGOs, and academia, followed by an audience-led Q&A session. We are looking for:

  • Case studies of NAMs that have been submitted in investigational new drug (IND) applications.
  • NAMs currently being used in regulatory applications or those that have the potential to replace animal use in regulatory applications.

Please submit your presentation title and abstract or speaker suggestion to nura [at]

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