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Endorsements for the Federal Animal Research Accountability Act

The legislation is endorsed by organizations and individuals concerned about human health research, animal welfare, and government transparency.

  • Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
  • ALTEX: Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
  • American Anti-Vivisection Society
  • Animal Law & Policy Program at Harvard Law School
  • Animal Legal Defense Fund
  • Animal Welfare Institute
  • Center for Canine Behavior Studies
  • Emulate
  • Government Accountability Project
  • Hare Lab, Duke University
  • Humane Society Legislative Fund
  • Humane Society of the United States
  • InSphero
  • Institute for In Vitro Sciences
  • International Foundation for Ethical Research
  • Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
  • Johns Hopkins Toxicology Policy Program
  • Kathy Hessler, Assistant Dean for Animal Legal Education and Director, Animal Legal Education Initiative, George Washington University Law School "
  • Michelson Center for Public Policy
  • National Freedom of Information Coalition
  • Our Honor
  • Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics
  • People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
  • Progressive Veterinary Association
  • Rise for Animals

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