Bhoja Katipally, MD

Dr. Katipally is a practicing physician certified by both the American Board of Family Medicine and the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine. After practicing traditional medicine for more than 15 years and serving as the medical director for various busy service lines in the academic and university health/corporate systems, he pivoted his personal journey, career path, and practice toward plant-based nutrition and lifestyle medicine.
After his ABLM certification followed by the certification in plant-based nutrition by Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s Center for Nutrition Studies at eCornell, he founded the New ME Health Center--his dream comprehensive lifestyle medicine center to help his patients arrest and potentially reverse their obesity, diabetes, and other chronic lifestyle-related conditions through intensive therapeutic lifestyle changes.
New ME Health Center for Lifestyle Medicine4372 N. Loop 1604 W., Suite #211
San Antonio, TX 78249
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