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Denine Rogers, RD

Denine Rogers, RD

Denine Rogers, MS, RDN, LD, FAND is an Integrative & Functional Vegan Dietitian and owner of Living Healthy -, private nutrition and wellness consulting practice in Douglasville, Georgia. Her focus within her practice is to provide a holistic cultural nutrition approach programs that assist women of color in the age ranges of 40 and up that are going through peri-menopause and menopause. Denine is a fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and has a Bachelor's Degree in Clinical Nutrition from (HBCUs) Howard University and a Masters Degree in Complementary and Alternative Medicine with a graduate certificate in Herbal Medicine at the American College of Health Sciences. Denine enjoys spending time with her two young active dogs, loves to do her daily yoga in the mornings, cooking/creating vegan meals and a Georgia Volunteer Master Gardener, where she teaches about herbs, gardening, and nutrition to the Douglas County local communities.


Living Healthy
3400 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 100-17
Douglasville, GA 30135





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