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Jay Sutliffe, RD

Jay Sutliffe, RD

Jay Sutliffe, Ph.D., R.D., is a Professor in the Health Sciences Department at Northern Arizona University. He is part of the Nutrition & Foods Program and is also the director of the PRANDIAL Lab. Jay teaches a broad spectrum of courses related to nutrition & foods and the culinary arts. He also regularly leads or supervises undergraduate and graduate student research projects (Masters and doctoral students). Before NAU, he taught at Chadron State College in Nebraska. Jay’s efforts coalesce around disease prevention and reversal using non-invasive lifestyle practices, wellness across the lifespan, and lifestyle habits of college students.
In addition to his academic experience, Jay has extensive experience in restaurant and health food store ownership/operation; years of experience in community and residentially-based health promotion programs; and broad experience working with athletes and those interested in wellness.


Northern Arizona University
1000 S. Beaver Street



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