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Jonathan Leibowitz, MD

Jonathan Leibowitz, MD

Jonathan S. Leibowitz, MD, is a primary care provider offering evidence-based, integrative medicine to patients in the Borough Park area of Brooklyn, N.Y. He is board-certified in internal medicine, lifestyle medicine, and nephrology. While rounding on hemodialysis patients more than 20 years ago, Dr. Leibowitz was intrigued and disturbed that virtually all these patients didn't need to end up losing their kidneys—they were all victims of their uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension. Frustrated, he set up his primary care practice in the hopes of preventing these devastating outcomes. To that end, in addition to personally following a whole food, plant-based diet, he recommends it to most of his patients and offers personal guidance to aid in its implementation.


Jonathan Leibowitz, MD
1343 55th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11219



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