Michael Lenz, MD

Dr. Michael Lenz is a practicing physician in Delafield, Waukesha County, Wis. He is board-certified in pediatrics and internal medicine, which means he sees patients from newborns through adulthood. He is also a diplomate of the Board of Lifestyle Medicine and a diplomate of the Board of Clinical Lipidology. Dr. Lenz also has received a T. Colin Campbell plant-based nutrition certificate. Dr. Lenz graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and completed his residency at the Virginia Commonwealth University Hospitals in Richmond. He has been eating a whole food, plant-based diet since 2011. He has always had an interest in the broad fields of pediatrics and internal medicine and has had an interest in the challenging problems of fibromyalgia and related diseases. This inspired him to write the book Conquering Your Fibromyalgia: Real Answers and Real Solutions to Real Pain.
ProHealth Care2750 Golf Road
Delafield, WI 53018
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