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Rick Weissinger, RD

Rick Weissinger, RD

Rick Weissinger is a registered/licensed dietitian-nutritionist and certified health coach (CHC) specializing in treating the most common health problems: weight loss, diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and heart disease. He also has experience treating kidney disease, arthritis, and gut disorders.

His career focuses on weight loss with 30 years of experience helping clients lose weight and providing clients with natural, effective, nondrug lifestyle treatments for most health problems from A to Z. As a health coach, he also practices motivational interviewing to help clients overcome hard-to-break habits.

Over many years of practice, he has helped hundreds of clients lose weight, lower blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol, improve their lab test results, and reduce the amount of medication they're prescribed.

He has worked on published works such as the Nutrition Guide for Clinicians with Dr. Neal Barnard and What the Experts Say About Food and Cancer.


21st Century Health Concepts LLC
18 Copper Court
Savannah, GA 31419



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