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Sonia Rapaport, MD

Sonia Rapaport, MD

Sonia A. Rapaport, MD, is an internationally recognized expert in diagnosing and treating individuals suffering from complex illnesses. She specializes in unraveling complicated diseases such as mold toxicity, Lyme disease, mast cell activation syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, POTS/dysautonomia, autoimmunity, PANS/PANDAS, early- to mid-stage neurodegenerative diseases, and thyroid and hormone replacement. Our patients actively participate in a comprehensive physical exam, medical history, and lab review. Empowered, the patient works with Dr. Rapaport to jointly review the diagnosis and develop a treatment program that is proactive in restoring health and compassionate in its delivery.


308 W. Rosemary St., Suite 306
Chapel Hill, NC 27516



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