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Theresa Free, NP

Theresa Free, NP

Dr. Free is a family nurse practitioner with a mission to reverse the tide of obesity and chronic disease that is overtaking America, causing needless suffering and reducing years of quality life. Dr. Free has taken charge of their own health using a lifestyle medicine approach and is passionate about helping others do the same. Dr. Free knows what it is like to suffer from obesity, yo-yo dieting, and chronic disease. Dr. Free was able to overcome these challenges, lose all their excess weight (100 pounds), and keep it off ever since 2017. They are dedicated to helping others, especially other health care workers, to do the same. Dr. Free has been eating plant-based since 2012 and is a certified professional of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.


Be Free Lifestyle Medicine LLC
110 Cedar Ave., Suite 101
Snohomish, WA 98201



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