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Food For Life - Class Descriptions

The Food for Life program offers a variety of classes:

Food for Life African American Heritage

African American Culinary Heritage

The African American Culinary Heritage curriculum is intended to inspire and empower healthful eating for the purpose of preventing and arresting chronic diseases disproportionately affecting African Americans by connecting to culturally relevant recipes. The course will also help participants seeking to prevent or overcome high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other health conditions that disproportionately affect African Americans.

Featured Class Topics

  • The Power of Your Plate
  • Foods for a Healthy Heart
  • Introduction to How Foods Fight Diabetes
  • Introduction to How Foods Fight Cancer
  • Designing a Diet for Maximum Weight Control
  • Making It Work for You
Food for Life cooking to combat covid-19

Cooking to Combat COVID-19

Lifestyle-related underlying health conditions, like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity are associated with the worst COVID-19 outcomes. But people often don’t know that plant-based diets are scientifically proven to prevent and even reverse many of those diseases. Learn important nutrition information, cooking tips, and recipes for optimal health during the pandemic.

Featured Class Topics

  • Cancer-Fighting Compounds and Immune-Boosting Foods 
  • Foods for a Healthy Heart
  • Introduction to How Foods Fight Diabetes 
  • Foods and Mood
Food for Life kickstart your health

The Power of Food for Healthy Weight Management

Discover which foods are optimal for weight management, learn about various health topics, and get empowered with the practical cooking skills needed for better health. Enjoy cooking demonstrations and taste delicious, healthful dishes in a supportive group setting.

Featured Class Topics

  • Power of Your Plate 
  • Let’s Go! 
  • Getting in Gear 
  • Breaking the Food Seduction 
  • Keys for Natural Appetite Control 
  • Digestive Health 
  • Healthy Blood Pressure
Food for Life Cancer Project

The Power of Food for Cancer Prevention and Survival

Understand how to prepare cancer-fighting meals loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals, high-fiber and low-fat foods, and healthy dairy alternatives. The series also provides information on planning meals and maintaining a healthy weight.

Featured Class Topics

  • Introduction to How Foods Fight Cancer 
  • Fueling Up on Low-Fat Foods
  • Favoring Fiber 
  • Discovering Dairy Alternatives 
  • Replacing Meat 
  • Cancer-Fighting Compounds and Immune-Boosting Foods 
  • Maintaining a Healthy Weight
  • Foods and Breast Cancer Survival (Supplemental Class)
  • Foods and Prostate Cancer Survival (Supplemental Class)
Food for Life diabetes initiative

The Power of Food for Diabetes Prevention and Treatment

Learn how a plant-based diet reduces the risk of diabetes and can greatly benefit those who have been diagnosed with the disease. Each class offers a cooking demonstration and provides samples of delicious, health-promoting meals, along with easy and affordable recipes.

Featured Class Topics

  •     Introduction to How Foods Fight Diabetes 
  •     The Power of Your Plate and Grocery Cart 
  •     Understanding Type 2 Diabetes 
  •     Designing a Diet for Maximum Weight Control 
  •     The Glycemic Index
  •     Keeping a Healthy Heart 
  •     Diabetes Care From Head to Toe 
  •     Making It Work for You


Food for Life nutrition essentials

The Power of Plant-Based Nutrition for Health

Based on the Physicians Committee’s online 21-Day Vegan Kickstart program, discover that the guiding principle for weight loss and good health is not restricting the amount of food eaten but rather choosing the healthiest foods—fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. This course does not include live cooking demonstrations.

Featured Class Topics

  • Kickstart Your Health: Weight Control and Diabetes Prevention 
  • Let’s Go (Begin Kickstart, Label Reading)
  • Getting in Gear 
  • Weight Loss
Food for Life healthy basics

The Power of Food for Health on a Limited Budget

Find out about the economic value and health benefits of plant-based foods. Attendees discover the relationship between diet and disease, get tips on planning a budget-friendly weekly or monthly menu, and enjoy cooking demonstrations that do not require costly cooking gadgets or equipment.

Featured Class Topics

  • The Power Plate 
  • How Foods Fight Diabetes 
  • Foods for a Healthy Weight 
  • How Foods Fight Heart Disease 
  • Grocery Store Tour (Supplemental Class)
Food for Life kids health

The Power of Food for a Healthy Start

Learn the benefits of the Power Plate, which contains whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Children ages 9-12 will learn about the health benefits of eating a plant-based diet while sampling delicious, kid-friendly recipes. The curriculum aims to empower children with the knowledge and skills they need to establish healthy habits for life.

Featured Class Topics and Objectives

  • Bang-Up Breakfasts
    Learn the important role diet plays in the cancer process.
  • In-Betweener Meals and Sweeter Deals
    Identify the new four food groups using the Power Plate and understand the role of dietary fat, cholesterol, and fiber for overall health.
  • Rainbow Lunches
    Understand the importance of eating a “rainbow” of fruits and vegetables loaded with vitamins and minerals.
  • Digging These Dinners
    Recognize plant-based foods that are full of protein, calcium, and iron. 
Food for Life Employee Wellness

The Power of Food for Workforce Health

Featured Class Topics

  • Power on Your Plate 
  • Let’s Go!
  • Getting in Gear 
  • Breaking the Food Seduction  
  • Keys for Natural Appetite Control 
  • Digestive Health  
  • Introduction to How Food Fight Cancer 
  • Introduction to How Foods Fight Diabetes 
  • Healthy Blood Pressure
Food for Life Your Body in Balance

Food for Life: Your Body In Balance

Dietary choices have a surprisingly powerful effect on hormones and the problems they cause. The information provided in these classes explains the latest research and offers a new approach to treating, preventing, and even curing many of the most common and persistent health problems.

Featured Class Topics

  • Foods for Fertility
  • Curing Cramps and Premenstrual Syndrome
  • Tackling Hormone-Related Cancers
  • Reversing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Tackling Menopause
  • Curing  Erectile Dysfunction and Saving Your Life
  • A Healthy Thyroid
  • Foods and Mood
  • Avoiding Environmental Chemicals
FFL Let's Beat Breast Cancer

Food for Life: Let's Beat Breast Cancer

Featured Class Topics

  • Introduction to How Foods Fight Cancer
  • Fueling Up On Low-Fat, High-Fiber Foods
  • Discovering Dairy and Meat Alternatives
  • Cancer-Fighting Compounds and Healthy Weight Control
  • Food for Breast Cancer Prevention and Survival

Single Classes

Food for Life Heathy Heart

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and around the world. Research, however, shows a plant-based diet does not just prevent heart disease, but it can manage and sometimes even reverse it. In this stand-alone class learn about the key role of healthful eating habits and other lifestyle factors in heart health.

Food for Life power foods for the brain

Plant-based foods are beneficial to the brain and may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. A decline in brain health is not an inevitable part of aging. But how we eat and live can help us protect our memory and stay sharp into old age. In this stand-alone class, you will learn strategies for maintaining memory and improving brain function including how to prepare brain health promoting meals.

Food for Life Foods for Fitness

A diet comprising whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables has been shown to provide the ideal fuel for any physical activity and enhanced recovery. This stand-alone class delivers the knowledge and skills needed to prepare simple, nutritious meals that fuel optimal fitness and recovery.

Universal Meals

The Universal Meals class offers everyone a seat at the table. Drawing from the Physicians Committee’s Universal Meals program, this class is designed to meet the varied needs of individuals for health, environmental, or humane concerns, for allergy reasons, and for cultural and religious traditions. It is a single class that incorporates recipes free of animal products, gluten-containing grains, nuts, alcohol, and other allergens to accommodate food preferences and common allergies. The curriculum is well suited for (but not limited to) audiences in schools, businesses, restaurants, food pantries, hospitals, senior living communities, and long-term care facilities.

Spanish Language Programs

Food for Life: Spanish Diabetes Initiative – Comer Para Vivir - Iniciativa Diabetes

Food for Life spanish diabetes initiative

El objetivo de esta serie es empoderar a las personas que tienen diabetes o que quieran prevenir el desarrollo de la diabetes, a informarse y tomar control de su salud junto con sus amigos y familiares. La serie consta de 8 clases y cada clase ofrece información nutricional, una demostración culinaria y degustación de saludables y tradicionales recetas latinas. A cada participante se le proporcionará material didáctico y las recetas escritas.

Temas relevantes
  • Introducción: Como los alimentos combaten la diabetes
  • El poder de tu plato y el carrito de compras
  • ¿Qué es la diabetes tipo 2?
  • Como diseñar una dieta para lograr el máximo control de peso
  • El índice glucémico
  • Como mantener un corazón sano
  • Atención de la diabetes desde la cabeza hasta los pies
FFL Spanish Kickstart

Food for Life: Spanish Kickstart Your Health- Comer Para Vivir - Activa tu salud

Descubre qué alimentos son óptimos para controlar el peso, aprende sobre varios temas de salud y empodérate con valiosa información para mejorar tu salud en un entorno grupal de apoyo. La serie consta de 7 clases y cada clase ofrece información nutricional, una demostración culinaria y degustación de saludables y tradicionales recetas latinas. A cada participante se le proporcionará material didáctico y las recetas escritas.

Temas relevantes

  • El poder de tu plato
  • ¡Comencemos!
  • Como prepararnos para comer fuera de la casa
  • Como romper la seducción de la comida
  • Como controlar tu apetito de manera natural
  • Salud digestiva
  • Presión arterial saludable
FFL Class Spanish Employee Wellness

Food for Life: Spanish Employee Wellness Program – Comer Para Vivir – Programa de bienestar para empleados

El objetivo de esta serie es guiar a los empleados de empresas u organizaciones a descubrir la importancia de sus elecciones alimentarias para mejorar su salud. La serie consta de 9 clases y cada clase está estructurada para que ser impartida durante la hora de almuerzo de los empleados en donde obtendrán información nutricional, una demostración culinaria y degustación de saludables y tradicionales recetas latinas. A cada participante se le proporcionará material didáctico y las recetas escritas.

Temas relevantes

  • El poder de tu plato
  • ¡Comencemos!
  • Como prepararte para comer fuera de casa
  • Como romper la seducción de la comida
  • Como controlar tu apetito de manera natural
  • Salud digestiva
  • Introducción a como los alimentos combaten el cáncer
  • Introducción a como los alimentos combaten la diabetes
  • Presión arterial saludable

Spanish Single Classes

Food for Life: Spanish Cancer Project – Comer Para Vivir – Proyecto contra el cáncer

FFL Spanish Cancer Project Logo

Esta clase individual recalca la evidencia de cómo ciertos patrones alimentarios tienen un impacto significativo para ayudar a las personas diagnosticadas con cáncer a vivir vidas más largas y saludables. La clase incluye información nutricional, una demostración culinaria y degustación de saludables y tradicionales recetas latinas, material didáctico y las recetas escritas.

Esta clase está destinada a sobrevivientes de cáncer y a sus familiares y amigos, así como a aquellos que buscan prevenir la enfermedad. Esta clase no está destinada a personas que actualmente están bajo tratamiento para el cáncer.

Food for Life: Spanish Let´s Beat Breast Cancer – Comer Para Vivir – Venzamos el cáncer de mama

Spanish LBBC FFL logo

La clase Venzamos el cáncer de mama, es una clase individual de nuestra popular serie Let's Beat Breast Cancer, que se enfoca en alimentos nutritivos que han demostrado reducir directamente el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de mama o de que vuelva a aparecer.  La clase incluye información nutricional, una demostración culinaria y degustación de saludables y tradicionales recetas latinas, material didáctico y las recetas escritas.

El público al que va dirigida esta clase son los sobrevivientes de cáncer y sus familiares y amigos, así como aquellos que buscan prevenir el cáncer de mama. Esta clase no está destinada a personas que actualmente están bajo un tratamiento para el cáncer de mama.

Foods for a Healthy Heart – Alimentos para un corazón saludable

Foods for a Healthy Heart

Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la principal causa de muerte en los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, las investigaciones muestran que una dieta basada en plantas no solo previene las enfermedades cardíacas, sino que también puede controlarlas y a veces incluso revertirlas. En esta clase aprenderás sobre el papel clave de los hábitos alimenticios saludables y otros factores del estilo de vida en la salud del corazón.

French Language Programs

Manger Pour Vivre: Relancez votre santé

Food for Life: French Kickstart Your Health Manger Pour Vivre: Relancez votre santé

Le Pouvoir de l'Alimentation pour une Gestion Saine du Poids

Découvrez quels aliments sont optimaux pour gérer votre poids, explorez divers sujets de santé, et apprenez des compétences culinaires pratiques pour améliorer votre santé. Profitez de démonstrations culinaires et savourez des plats délicieux et sains dans une ambiance de groupe bienveillante.

Thèmes Principaux du Cours
  • Le pouvoir de votre assiette
  • C’est parti!
  • Passer à la vitesse supérieure
  • Briser la séduction alimentaire
  • Les clés pour un contrôle naturel de l’appétit
  • La santé digestive
  • Une tension artérielle saine

Get Healthy With Good Nutrition

Food for Life classes teach you how to improve your health with a plant-based diet.