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Foods and Breast Cancer Surival

41.0256101, -81.7298519


The Practice of Green, LLC
Wadsworth, OH 44281
United States

Class Dates

Foods and Breast Cancer Survival
Monday, November 4, 2024 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM

This class looks at the research behind increased prevention and survival rates for those individuals diagnosed with breast cancer. Factors discussed included reduced fat intake, increased consumption of vegetables and fruits for a greater fiber intake, and exercise. In the lecture, Dr. Neal Barnard highlights various studies like the Women's Healthy Eatings and Living (WHEL) Study, which reported greater protection from breast cancer when women consumed at least five vegetable and fruit servings daily.

This class features a cooking demonstration, handouts of easy and affordable recipes that you can prepare at home, and a physician led lecture and opportunity for discussion.


The cooking demo includes:

Homestyle Squash and Pinto Beans

Broccoli or Cauliflower and Sesame Salt

Mixed Berry Banana Smoothie


Jane is a Plant-Based Nutrition Professional through the T. Colin Campbell, Center for Nutrition Studies, a Licensed Food for Life Instructor through PCRM, and a recent graduate of the Rouxbe Culinary School in Professional-Plant Based Cooking. Jane is on a mission to help individuals learn to incorporate practices that generate health and well-being through cooking, composting, and compassion.


In addition to teaching Food for Life Classes, Jane is available to work one-on-one to help you further navigate your plant-based journey. Check out her website at

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Your instructor: Jane Barnett