Healthy Holidays! Making it work for you!
41.0256101, -81.7298519
Wadsworth, OH 44281
United States
Class Dates
Concerned that the holidays are going to sabotage your health? Do you spend hours looking for the perfect recipe…only to run out of time to test your recipes and then you just wing it!
Well, there’s no need to fret when you’ve got a plan! Whether eating with only plant-based eaters, plant-curious eaters, or for your carnivore friends and family, we are going to make delicious options for your gathering.
We will be discussing preparation tips, shopping, and how you can plan for your festive feast with minimal stress.
This class features a cooking demonstration, handouts of easy and affordable recipes you can prepare at home, and a physician led lecture and opportunity for discussion.
Jane is a Plant-Based Nutrition Professional through the T. Colin Campbell, Center for Nutrition Studies, a Licensed Food for Life Instructor through PCRM, and a recent graduate of the Rouxbe Culinary School in Professional-Plant Based Cooking. Jane is on a mission to help individuals learn to incorporate practices that generate health and well-being through cooking, composting, and compassion.
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