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Alana Sulit, RN, BSN, All-Stars Thrive Academy

Food for Life Instructor

Alana Sulit, RN, BSN, All-Stars Thrive Academy

Alana “K-POP Chef” Sulit, RN, BSN, All-Stars Thrive Academy 



My friends call me “K-POP Chef” because I’m a Korean-American that was healed by the power of plants (POP) & my happy place is in my kitchen cooking (with love) for my family & friends.  I’m a Nurse Health Coach & Performance Chef on a mission to empower families & athletes to “eat to win!”   I excel at teaching my clients to embrace healthy home cooking & evidence-based lifestyle habits for optimal health.  Excellent health is earned in your kitchen.  Just like muscles are earned in the gym.  Let’s go from just surviving to thriving!  I provide 1:1 coaching, group coaching, & corporate wellness coaching.  "If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together."


My value-packed healthy cooking classes will teach you time-saving strategies & actionable steps to dramatic health transformations while entertaining you!  We’ll laugh, learn, & make new friendships.  Learn the most effective, safest, & delicious approach to diet-related conditions (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, obesity, most cancers, low energy, brain fog, & more).


Class Reviews:   “The food was so DELICIOUS!”  “We laughed SO much!”  "Had FUN!"  “We want MORE classes!"  


As a mom, I was terrified when my children’s total cholesterol results all came back abnormally high.  They were only 8, 8, & 9 years old at the time!  My husband & I also suffered from abnormally high cholesterols, skin problems, constipation, & low energy.  Our doctors never asked us what we were eating & simply explained that it was “just genetics."  Deep inside, I just knew it was not our DNA to blame.  Our family's food choices was the real problem.  Eating the standard American diet (SAD) literally made my whole family sad & sick.  We thought we were eating "healthy" based on what little we knew about eating for "optimal" health.  Why were we taught reading, writing, & math, but not basic nutrition science in elementary school?  What's more important than learning how to eat for excellent health?  I went on a quest for the TRUTH... Ultimately, based on all the evidence, our family happily embraced a nutrient-dense whole foods plant-based lifestyle.  


Despite skeptical doctors urging us to take cholesterol-lowering medications, we chose food as our medicine (with only positive side effects).  Since the wrong foods got us into trouble, the right foods would be our natural solution!  Our family successfully reversed our high cholesterols (100% medication-free) simply by eating delicious, colorful, nutrient-dense, & fiber-rich whole plant foods.  We ate the tasty rainbow & was rewarded with our pot of gold!  Today, my plant-powered family is truly thriving because we eat foods that love us back with excellent health.


Eating by PCRM's Power Plate has resulted in superb health wins for my family - optimal cholesterol, ideal weight, radiant glow from inner healing, 100% medication-free, happier, boundless energy, & 4 baseball championship rings!  After my family's health victory, health coaching became my calling (not just a job).  I have the greatest privilege of helping people live healthier, happier, & laugh more with every delicious bite!  I'm only a phone call & email away - let's connect!

Serving cities and surrounding areas of San Diego and surrounding areas

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Alana Sulit