Anna Cornel
Food for Life Instructor

Anna Cornel, MBAHM, BSN, RN, PHN, HNB-BC, NE-BC is a registered nurse with over a decade of healthcare experience. After living a standard American diet (SAD) lifestyle, Anna developed high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and obesity at the age of 32. She didn't want to be reliant on pharmaceutical therapies, so instead she adopted a whole foods plant based lifestyle resulting in reversal of these chronic conditions and a 25 lbs weight loss. Anna became passionate about teaching others about the power of lifestyle changes and became board certified as a holistic nurse in 2023. She then pursued an online certification in Plant-Based Nutrition through T. Collin Campbell's Center for Nutrition Studies through Cornell University and PCRM's Food for Life Instructor program in 2024.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Open to teaching in-person in the Bay Area and anywhere online.
Upcoming Classes
None scheduled