Anne-Marie Parent
Food for Life Instructor

Anne-Marie has always been passionate about health and nutrition. Her interest in food began when she started experiencing digestive issues as a teenager. Anne-Marie began a long journey looking for answers and trying out diets. In Summer 2020, she found her answers in Dr. Will Bulciewicz's book Fiber Fueled, which was all about the importance of eating a diversity of plants. In addition to solving her digestive issues, eating a plant-based diet has improved her energy levels, sleeping habits and skin appearance. This way of eating also aligns with her values for sustainability and animal welfare. Anne-Marie has a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies through eCornell. By sharing what she learned about the benefits of a plant-based diet, Anne-Marie was able to influence her children and husband to follow along. Anne-Marie is looking forward to inspiring others in benefits from a plant-based diet.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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