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Asha Subramanian, MD, MPH

Food for Life Instructor

Asha Subramanian, MD, MPH

Dr. Asha Subramanian is a Board-certified family physician and lifestyle medicine physician who has seen the power of a plant-based diet first-hand, both in her own life as well as in the lives of her patients. Dr. Subramanian saw over and over that patients with chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and overweight/obesity, had little improvement with traditional medicine's focus on prescriptions. She was treating symptoms, rather than the root cause. Discouraged, she began to search for a better way and found lifestyle medicine. Dr. Subramanian eagerly began learning about the science of diet and lifestyle changes in improving and even reversing chronic disease. She quickly implemented this knowledge in her own life, and saw significant results in improving endometriosis, acne, athletic performance, weight control and prediabetes. Dr. Subramanian is passionate about bringing this lifesaving knowledge to anyone who will listen!

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Kensington, MD - Montgomery County , MD and the Washington, DC metro area and also virtual classes

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Asha Subramanian Visit Asha Subramanian's Website