Bex Iten
Food for Life Instructor
Hello! I am Bex, I am an RN specializing in a holistic approach to good health. Certified by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, The T.Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies in Plant-Based Nutrition, and a Certified Case Manager. I have focused all of my attention on the wellness of others by approaching the food we eat with conscious awareness. I am a stage IV rectal cancer survivor and THRIVER - I am happy to share the Food for Life philosophy, and the many recipes to those who are interested in changing their life and health. I currently work in a local hospital as well as a travel nurse, I am often found talking about food choices with my patients in the hospital, and I encourage thoughtful decisions when it comes to maintaining good health.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Parker, Hood, and Tarrant county
Upcoming Classes
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