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Bex Iten

Food for Life Instructor

Hello! I am Bex, I am an RN specializing in a holistic approach to good health.  Certified by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, The T.Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies in Plant-Based Nutrition, and a Certified Case Manager. I have focused all of my attention on the wellness of others by approaching the food we eat with conscious awareness.  I am a stage IV rectal cancer survivor and THRIVER - I am happy to share the Food for Life philosophy, and the many recipes to those who are interested in changing their life and health.  I currently work in a local hospital as well as a travel nurse, I am often found talking about food choices with my patients in the hospital, and I encourage thoughtful decisions when it comes to maintaining good health.  

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Parker, Hood, and Tarrant county

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Bex Iten Visit Bex Iten's Website