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Cheleen Morgan

Food for Life Instructor

Cheleen Morgan

Cheleen is a certified Integrative Coach, holding certifications in Plant-based Nutrition from eCornell University, Plant-Based Clinical Nutrition from Moving Medicine Forward, and Prescribing Nutrition from Doctors for Nutrition. She's also a graduate of the Forks Over Knives Rouxbe Culinary School and holds the title of Master Gardener with the University of Nevada-Reno, in addition to being a Square Foot Gardening Instructor.

Her journey toward teaching Food as Medicine was sparked by her own battles with cancer and high blood pressure, which she successfully addressed through the healing power of food and lifestyle changes.

Today, Cheleen passionately shares her knowledge by offering a variety of health and employee wellness programs in her community both live and online. She also provides personalized one-on-one counseling or private group cooking classes, empowering others to take charge of their health through the transformative magic of nutritious cuisine.

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Las Vegas, NV, and surrounding cities. Willing to travel.

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Cheleen Morgan Visit Cheleen Morgan's Website