Christina Clifford, MBA
Food for Life Instructor

During a long career as a Marketing Executive in the Publishing Industry, Christina became very interested in the nutrition aspects of a whole food plant-based diet after reading Dr. T. Colin Cambell's The China Study. She read every science-based book she could find on the subject, which lead her to Dr. Neal Barnard's work and PCRM, Dr. John McDougall and many others. Christina completed the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate at eCornell and continued her self-directed study over many years. A lifelong home cook, Christina improved her cooking skills by taking courses at Rouxbe online cooking school, specifically Plant-Based Cooking and the Forks Over Knives cooking course. Now retired, Christina is interested in continuing to learn and develop her passion for this way of life by sharing this approach to eating with others who are interested in improving their health and well being.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Huntsville, Bracebridge in the Muskoka area
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