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Cleidy De La Cruz, M. Ed, BBA

Food for Life Instructor

Cleidy De La Cruz, M. Ed, BBA

Cleidy De La Cruz lives in Grand Rapids Michigan with her husband and three kids.  She is an elementary teacher and a Food for Life Instructor with a passion for teaching others about the power of using food as medicine to prevent and reverse chronic disease.  Her own health journey began in 2011 when she was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and was told that food had nothing to do with it.  This sent her on a health journey that led her to discover how a plant based diet could heal her from her debilitating disease and give her back her life.  Along with becoming a Food for Life Instructor she has also participated in Dr. Klaper’s Master Class in Plant-based Clinical Nutrition as well as Dr. Bulsiewicz’s Plant Fed Gut Course. She believes true health should not be so difficult to find and it is her passion and pleasure to share with others how the power of plants can transform, heal, and change lives. Through her journey she has inspired others to adopt a plant based diet and reverse their chronic diseases as well.  As a Food for Life Instructor and educator she hopes to continue encouraging others to make health and lifestyle changes that will transform and change lives.

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Kent County, Michigan

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Cleidy De La Cruz