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Deirdre Sweeney

Food for Life Instructor

Deirdre Sweeney

Deirdre Sweeney has been a Nurse Practitioner for 19 years. She is a graduate of the MGH Institute of Health Professions and is certified in both adult and geriatric medicine. She has spent the majority of her career at Massachusetts General Hospital as a hospitalist, caring for complicated inpatients as well as teaching for many years at Simmons University. In 2018 she became an ethical vegan. Along her journey, she learned about the power of a low-fat plant-based way of eating and the overwhelming body of research that supports it. She received a certificate in plant-based nutrition from eCornell in 2019 and is also an Integrative Health Coach. She currently works at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL as a hospitalist.  She has now made it her mission to share the knowledge and science behind the healing power of a plant-based diet with as many people as she can. 

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Tampa and Central Florida.

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Contact Deirdre Sweeney Visit Deirdre Sweeney's Website