Denine Ward-Johnson, RN, MSA, JD
Food for Life Instructor

Denine is a registered nurse, health coach, and nutrition interventionist who has a passion to educate the community on the healing power of plants. She was educated as a health coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and is also a Certified FarmaSIS who enjoys teaching others how to grow their own food for personal use and sharing within their communities. Denine adopted a plant based diet over ten years ago and a plant exclusive diet about three years ago after observing first hand how plants improved the health status of several of her family members, friends and herself.
Denine currently conducts nutrition classes and cooking demonstrations as the Nutrition Interventionist for a major university, where the focus is preventing diabetes and other chronic diseases in the African American community through healthy dietary interventions. She lives in an area where eating whole food plant based foods is not the norm, but chronic diseases are commonplace. She aspires to facilitate change in the health status of South Carolina residents through empowering individuals and families to lead a healthy, radiant life free from preventable chronic diseases through the implementation of a healthy diet and lifestyle choices.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Columbia, South Carolina and the surrounding areas.
Upcoming Classes
None scheduled