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Detlev Göpel

Food for Life Instructor

Detlev Göpel

'WholeVood for One Health' has moved me for ten years: 'V'egan, wholesome nutrition for the benefit of people, animals, and our environment.

I started using whole grains, fresh organic vegetables, and fruit 50 years ago. Back then, I considered steaks and low-fat quarks from pasture-raised cattle ideal protein sources after hard sporting sessions, which were often on the agenda for my many marathons. Today, I know that this animal protein played a role in the development of my aggressive prostate cancer. I underwent surgery in 2009, after which I gradually kicked my fixation on animal protein over five years. Since 2015, my wife Gabi and I have been eating purely plant-based WholeVood, almost always prepared in our kitchen.

'Vegan Nutritionist' ( 2020), 'Plant-Based Nutrition' (T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, eCornell 01/2021), author of 'WholeVood' ( 2022), 'Food for Life' Training 2024. We live in Berlin, Germany.

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Berlin (capital of Germany), Berlin (federal state), Brandenburg (federal state)

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