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Jennifer Schmidt, RN

Food for Life Instructor

Jennifer Schmidt, RN

Jennifer is a Registered Nurse with a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from e-Cornell and the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. Working as a nurse on a medical-surgical unit has allowed her to see, firsthand, the devastating effects of chronic disease on patients and families. Having learned that most of these diseases are fueled in large part by diet, Jennifer adopted a Whole Food Plant-Based diet herself and quickly realized how she'd like to focus her work as a nurse, educating others on how to be successful in transitioning to this lifestyle. Jennifer believes that everyone deserves a life free from suffering and disease. She is passionate about educating others on the innumerable benefits of this lifestyle for personal health, the future of our planet, and compassion for fellow beings.

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Southampton

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Jennifer Schmidt Visit Jennifer Schmidt's Website