Karen Smith, RDN, CDCES
Food for Life Instructor

Karen is a registered dietitian and certified diabetes care and education specialist who is passionate about educating others about the health benefits associated with eating a low-fat, plant-based diet. With more than 16 years of experience working as a dietitian, Karen understands the challenges individuals face making dietary changes and enjoys helping them find strategies to make eating healthy, easy, and delicious. Karen is an avid runner and placed in the top 1% of women finishers at the 2015 and 2016 Boston Marathons. She is a mom of three and is proud of the healthy eating habits her children, husband, and others in her family have adopted, and the health benefits they have experienced as a result. She especially loves helping families cook and eat healthy, plant-based meals together.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Bel Air, MD
Upcoming Classes
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