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Kayla Mackenzie

Food for Life Instructor

Kayla Mackenzie

Meet Kayla! She became vegan in 2017 initially due to concerns for animal welfare. Over the years she has learned so much about a healthy, whole-food, plant-based diet and why it is so important not just for the animals but for our own health and protecting our planet. It is her passion to help others learn about nutrition and the massive role it plays in our overall health and incorporate this into their own lives. She earned her certificate in plant-based nutrition in 2023 through eCornell from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and has now become a licensed Food For Life instructor through the Physicians Committee ready to teach you!

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Anoka, Minnesota!

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Kayla Mackenzie Visit Kayla Mackenzie's Website