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Lc Sayadian

Food for Life Instructor

Lc Sayadian

Lc discovered the benefits of a plant-based diet in 2020 when searching for a solution for her cancer, endometriosis and her husband's high cholesterol . The proof was in the lab work: her husband’s cholesterol numbers dropped to the point that he got off of his meds and she was endometriosis and cancer free since then. 

Inspired by her personal experience and similar stories of others around the country, Lc became a Food For Life Instructor in 2021. In addition to offering Food For Life classes in the Northeast Delaware area, she also offers private culinary coaching in the comfort of people’s homes and personal chef services for those who are too busy or unable to prepare meals themselves.


Serving cities and surrounding areas of Delaware, Pennsylvania

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Lc Sayadian Visit Lc Sayadian's Website