Marc Ramirez
Food for Life Instructor

Marc Ramirez witnessed his mother’s battle with diabetes and its devastating complications which ultimately took her life. Resigned to the idea that diabetes was his genetic destiny, he felt hopeless. In 2011 Marc, however, began a plant-based lifestyle and his health greatly improved. He reversed type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. He now strives to inform people about the health benefits of going vegan and how a plant based lifestyle also helps the environment and prevents cruelty to animals. Marc is a graduate of the University of Michigan where he played football for Bo Schembechler and earned a degree in sports management and communications. He is the president of Chickpea and Bean Inc. and a certified Food for Life instructor.
Marc Ramirez fue testigo de la batalla de su madre con la diabetes y sus devastadoras complicaciones que finalmente le quito la vida. Resignado a la idea de que la diabetes era su destino genético, se sentía desesperado. En 2011 Marc, sin embargo, comenzó un estilo de vida a base de plantas y su salud mejoró enormemente. Revirtió la diabetes tipo 2, el colesterol alto y la presión arterial alta. Ahora se enfoca en educar a las personas en cómo viviendo vegano es saludable y como un estilo de vida basado en plantas también ayuda al medio ambiente y previene la crueldad a los animales. Marc se graduó de la Universidad de Michigan, donde jugó al fútbol americano y obtuvo una licenciatura en comunicaciones. Es el presidente de Chickpea and Bean Inc. y instructor certificado de Food for Life.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Sterling Heights, Clinton Township, Shelby Township, Macomb, and Southfield
Upcoming Classes
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