Marie Kanagie-McAleese, MD
Food for Life Instructor
Dr. Marie Kanagie-McAleese is a board-certified pediatrician and has worked as a hospitalist with University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health since 2006. She discovered lifestyle medicine and the benefits of a plant-based diet in 2019, and decided to educate herself on the science of WFPB nutrition in order to empower others to take steps toward better health. Along the way, she also discovered culinary medicine and the joys of home cooking.
Dr. Marie became board certified in lifestyle medicine in 2021, and has completed certificates in Plant Based Nutrition via the Center for Nutrition Studies/eCornell, Culinary Health Education Fundamentals (CHEF) coaching via Harvard University, and the Forks Over Knives/Rouxbe plant-based cooking course. She is excited to promote the work of PCRM as a FFL instructor and teach people just how easy it can be to prepare healthy, whole food, plant-based meals!
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Cecil, Harford, and Baltimore counties
Upcoming Classes
Contact Marie Kanagie-McAleese Visit Marie Kanagie-McAleese's Website