Naa-Solo Tettey
Food for Life Instructor

Dr. Naa-Solo Tettey is a Professor of Public Health, owner of Personal Best Life Consulting, and the founder and director of the HeartSmarts Cardiovascular Health Education Program. HeartSmarts is dedicated to addressing health disparities through targeted education, empowerment, and actionable strategies in underserved communities. As an expert in faith-based community health initiatives, Dr. Tettey integrates lifestyle medicine principles to promote holistic well-being, focusing on plant-based nutrition and preventive health strategies. She has been recognized for her contributions in The New York Times, ABC News, and The Harlem Times. Dr. Tettey earned her Doctorate in Health Education from Columbia University and a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree. She is a Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES) and has completed the Plant-Based Nutrition Certification program at Cornell University, underscoring her commitment to evidence-based approaches for improving public health outcomes. As a Food for Life instructor, Dr. Tettey will provide a fun and engaging learning experience to help participants reach their health goals.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of New York tri-state area, virtual
Upcoming Classes
None scheduled