Patti Yost
Food for Life Instructor

Patti has been vegan since 2006 when she learned that it was unnecessary for humans to consume animals and their byproducts. However, since 2006 and the uprising of the vegan movement, Patti has made it her personal mission to support all of the new and delicious vegan foods and treats that launched into the market. In fact, with all of the tasty vegan food items she's consumed, she's pretty sure she single handedly lead to their companies success. Unfortunately for Patti, 15 years later, those heavily processed foods found her obese with high blood pressure, moments away from being declared pre-diabetic, suffering from exercise induced asthma, suffering from fatigue and sleeplessness among other things. While those heavily processed vegan foods were great for her animal friends, they were detrimental to Pattis health. In 2021, Patti enrolled in The Plant Based Nutrition program through eCornell and Center of Nutrition Studies lead by the great T. Colin Campbell. She received her certificate of completion in February of 2022 and her life has never been the same. Since then she has lost well over 50 pounds, lowered her blood pressure to well within a healthy range, lowered her resting heart rate to that of a triathlete, competed in numerous 5K races, taken up paddle boarding, and really reclaimed her life. Patti has completely changed her life and now she wants to help show YOU that you can do the same. In 2024 Patti got accepted into the Food For Life program through the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. As a professional kitchen designer for the past 15 years, she has realized it's not about how beautiful a kitchen looks, it's about what's inside the cabinets that really matters. At age 41 Patti is a Nutrition Coach in training and working towards becoming board certified through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. With a total career change on the horizon, Patti wants to share her journey and experience with anyone that will listen. With a science based nutrition approach, Patti is eager to teach you how to prepare and enjoy life changing and life saving affordable meals for you, your family, your work place, or your patients.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Peoria, IL and the surround communities