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Rhotochia Atkins-Jones

Food for Life Instructor

Rhotochia Atkins-Jones

Rhotochia Atkins-Jones is a retired member of service of the New York City Police Department, a graduate of NYACK College Alliance and serves as the CEO of Fresh Fire Coaching. She is a certified John Maxwell Leadership Coach, licensed Behavioral DISC Assessment Consultant, and Wellness Inventory Life Coach. Rhotochia is proud to serve as a Mentor and Community Ambassador for Plant Power Metro New York. She recently completed the Food for Life Instructor Training and is enrolled in the Colin T Powell Certificate Program for Plant-Based Nutrition. Rhotochia's mission is to serve faith-based ministries, community-based organizations, and underrepresented families in Brooklyn and the surrounding metro area. She has had the privilege of participating in impactful events such as serving as a panelist at Teacher’s College conference on “Reclaiming Our Health with Plant Powered Nutrition,” hosting a faith and food half-day seminar for Brooklyn churches, taking part in the Martin Luther King Walk, leading Farmers Market Tours, tabling at Community Events, and being interviewed @ PS 59  in Brooklyn to encourage the school community to embark on a journey to learn nutrition education and the health benefits of a whole food plant-based lifestyle.

Rhotochia shares her personal testimony of pre-diabetes, and the positive effects of a plant-based journey, from being a jumpstart participant to now serving as a mentor and ambassador for Plant Power Metro New York. Rhotochia believes that a whole food, plant-based lifestyle has a language called “healing” where the vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruits sing the melodies,  “Help me get well 4 life.” 

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Metro NYC

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Rhotochia Atkins-Jones Visit Rhotochia Atkins-Jones 's Website