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Rodrigo Cardoso

Food for Life Instructor

Rodrigo Cardoso

Rodrigo Cardoso has been giving workshops on plant-based nutrition and healthy cuisine since 2020, through the non-profit De la Science à l'Assiette [translates "from science to the plate"] in France, where he lives.

Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition by the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and Food for Life instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Rodrigo holds a 5 year degree in Sports and Physical Education and a post-graduation in Cardiac Rehabilitation. He follows a whole food plant-based diet since 2013 when he discovered, for whom he worked as a volunteer during the 4 following years translating their contents from English to Portuguese.

Rodrigo feels especially fortunate and grateful for the trust from his loved ones when disease threatened their lives and well being, for them having welcomed his help and knowledge on the benefits of a whole food plant-based diet, ultimately overcoming their diseases: his father (prostate cancer), his sister (breast cancer) and his partner (Lyme disease).

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

Contact Rodrigo Cardoso Visit Rodrigo Cardoso's Website