Siphiwo Vondo
Food for Life Instructor

Have you had a contact with Siphiwo Vondo? He is the founder of R-4 Medical Missions and a Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner. Since his third year varsity, he had started seeing real cases of cancer and has been making home calls ever since as a qualified Lifestyle Medicine physician, clinical nutritionist, and fourth year MBBS student. He has been involved in 17 given up cancer cases since graduation in 2012 with good results and cooking class trainings in different cities around South Africa. He is looking forward to serving as a Food for Life instructor and helping his community. He has an undying passion to save lives and has been very active in educating others on healthful living for 17 years now. From experience, he can tell you how formidable the body can be when given the right building materials.
Serving cities and surrounding areas of Eastern Cape, Queenstown, South Africa
Upcoming Classes
None scheduled