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Yetta Blair

Food for Life Instructor

Yetta Blair

Yetta is a certified functional nutrition counselor and certified holistic cancer coach. She studied whole-food, plant-based nutrition with T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University. Yetta is a food driven analyst and works with clients to help them use nutrition principles to solve the root causes of their health symptoms. She knows that functional nutrition and eating real, whole-foods is the answer to our current healthcare crisis, and wants to inform as many people as she can of the power of food to heal. You see, Yetta and her wife adopted a whole-food plant-based diet on September 2, 2019, and she knows that it was a key factor in her wife beating the odds of metastatic breast cancer. Yetta’s Food For Life cancer prevention classes are available in Louisville and surrounding areas. For more information, visit  Her promise to clients - if you eat better, you will feel better. 

Serving cities and surrounding areas of Louisville, Kentucky and surrounding areas. 

Upcoming Classes

None scheduled

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