Fight Erectile Dysfunction and 4 More Reasons to Go Plant-Based This Movember

Movember—which takes place every November—raises awareness of men’s health issues. Learn how eating plant-based diet—and avoiding meat and dairy products—can help fight erectile dysfunction, reduce the risk of prostate cancer, improve mood, and lead to overall better health.
1. Fight Erectile Dysfunction (and Heart Disease)
Erectile dysfunction is a sign of narrowed arteries throughout the body, including to the penis, and can be an indication of heart disease. A meta-analysis of 25 studies found that men with ED have a 59% higher risk of coronary heart disease or atherosclerosis, a 34% higher risk of stroke, and a 33% higher risk of dying from any cause, compared with men without symptoms of ED.
But a healthful plant-based diet can help unblock arteries, improving blood flow to the heart and brain, as well as to the penis. In fact, a plant-based diet is associated with reduced risk of erectile dysfunction, according to research recently published in the Journal of Urology. Previous research has found that men with the highest intakes of anthocyanins, flavones, and flavanones—compounds found in fruits such as strawberries, apples, blueberries, and citrus—lowered their risk for ED by 14% when compared to those who consumed the least.
Watch Foods That Can Help Erectile Dysfunction on The Exam Room Live.
2. Protect Your Prostate
Eating a more plant-based diet may help protect the prostate. A recent review of 31 articles published in the Journal of Urology showed improved outcomes and overall health in cancer patients who followed a plant-based diet as well as a lower risk for cancer in those with no cancer diagnosis. Previous research published in the journal found that men who consume the most plant-based foods decrease their risk of dying from prostate cancer by 19%. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that men who followed a vegan diet had a 35% lower prostate cancer risk than those following a nonvegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian, or semi-vegetarian diet.
Ditching dairy can also help. A study found that a high intake of dairy products such as milk increased the risk of developing prostate cancer. Previous research has shown the same. High intakes of dairy products including whole and low-fat milk and cheese increase the risk for prostate cancer, according to a meta-analysis that looked at 32 studies.
Watch a Plant-Powered Approach to Prostate Cancer on The Exam Room Live.
3. Have Healthy Hormone Levels
Men on vegan diets have as much testosterone as men who eat meat. Researchers assessed diet records for 191 participants and tracked their testosterone levels, finding no differences in testosterone levels. And if you were worried about consuming tofu, tempeh, or other soy foods, don’t! Research shows that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements from soy affect testosterone levels in men.
Watch Does Soy Lower Testosterone? on The Exam Room Live.
4. Improve Fertility
Eating more fruits and veggies could help keep you fertile. A study published earlier this year found that a diet high in vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, and grains is significantly associated with improved semen quality, total sperm count, higher sperm concentration, and sperm motility.
Previous research compared the dietary intake of antioxidants in 10 fertile and 48 infertile men and correlated the findings with sperm motility. Infertile men were twice as likely to have a low intake of fruits and vegetables (less than five servings per day) compared with fertile men.
Avoiding hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meat can also help keep sperm healthy. Researchers analyzed 364 samples of semen from 156 men who were having reproductive difficulties and asked the men to complete a food record. Those with higher intakes of processed meat products (more than one-third of a serving per day) saw more abnormalities in sperm count, size, and shape, compared with men who ate less.
Watch Foods That Affect Fertility.
5. Boost Your Mood
A Physicians Committee study found that eating a plant-based diet and removing animal products—including meat and dairy—from your diet can be helpful for improving mood and reducing depression and anxiety.
Plant foods provide fiber, which helps the digestive tract. In turn, that seems to protect against depression. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey showed that the more fiber people ate, the less likely they were to be depressed. Beans, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains provide fiber, but there is zero fiber in meat, eggs, and dairy products.
Watch Foods That Help Depression on The Exam Room Live.