Got a Prostate? Ditch the Dairy.

One particular type of cancer that affects men—and only men—is prostate cancer. In 2011, more than 200,000 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer. A recent study linked both meat and dairy product consumption with an increased risk of death after prostate cancer. This is consistent with previous research connecting animal products with a higher risk of developing prostate cancer, as well as increased mortality.
The study, published in Cancer Prevention Research by scientists at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, gathered data on more than 900 men with prostate cancer. The results indicate that men who consume a Western diet high in red and processed meat—as well as dairy products—have 2.5 times the risk of death from the cancer. The study also connected the standard Western diet with a 67 percent increase in risk of mortality from all causes.
This isn’t the first study that links dairy products with prostate cancer. Research published in 2013 shows that eating dairy products results in a 12 percent increased chance of developing prostate cancer. With dairy consumption linked to both prostate cancer and reduced odds of survival after diagnosis, dropping dairy products from your diet is the safest bet.
Keep yourself healthy! Ditch the meat and dairy products and get to the doctor right away if you notice any unusual symptoms like frequent urination, blood in your urine, or erectile dysfunction.