Hispanic Heritage Month Cooking Demonstration: Plant-Based Tayota, Carrot, and Potato Salad

The Physicians Committee’s Food for Life plant-based nutrition and cooking class program is celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month (Mes de la Hispanidad), Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, with a series of cooking demonstrations on Facebook that feature Food for Life instructors who are making recipes that honor the rich tapestry of Latin American flavors and traditions.
This week’s Spanish-language cooking demonstration was by Food for Life instructor Aifra Ruiz, of New York, N.Y., who made Tayota, Carrot, and Potato Salad in Spanish, from her native Dominican Republic. Tayota, also known as chayote, is a type of squash. Below we share the recipe in both English and Spanish.
“I chose the chayote, potato, and carrot salad that my mother used to make in the Dominican Republic because it is a dish that represents the flavors and traditions of my country,” says Aifra. “Chayote, known as tayota in the Dominican Republic, is a widely used ingredient in Dominican cuisine due to its versatility and nutritional value. This vegetable stew connects me to my roots and reflects the simplicity and richness of homemade meals grown in the countryside and enjoyed in Dominican households. It’s a recipe that brings back childhood memories of my mother cooking it with love, and it’s a way for me to share a piece of our culture through plant-based cooking.”
Be sure to join us on Comité De Médicos Facebook and Physicians Committee Facebook over the next month for more cooking demonstrations:
- Thursday, Sept. 26, at 4 p.m. ET. Join Food for Life instructor Elizabeth Garcia, of Yakima, Wash., for a cooking demonstration of Red Pozole in English, from her native Mexico. Physicians Committee Facebook.
- Thursday, Oct. 3, at 4 p.m. ET. Join Food for Life instructor Laura Rodriguez, of Monterrey, Mexico, for a cooking demonstration of Chipotle Enfrijoladas in English, from her native Mexico. Physicians Committee Facebook.
- Thursday, Oct. 10, at 4 p.m. ET. Join Food for Life instructor Maria Fernanda Hubeaut, of Kingston, N.Y., for a cooking demonstration of Chimichurri in Spanish, from her native Argentina. Comité De Médicos Facebook.
The Food for Life program is also offering classes this month that help fight diseases including type 2 diabetes and obesity that disproportionately impact Hispanics.
Author: Aifra Ruiz
County of origin: Dominican Republic
Makes 4 servings
1 large tayota (chayote), peeled
1 large carrot, peeled
2 large potatoes, peeled
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 red onion, chopped into small cubes
Salt and pepper to taste
In a pot, boil the carrots and potatoes in water for 10 minutes over medium heat. Add the tayota and continue boiling for 10 more minutes. Prick the vegetables to confirm they are cooked but firm. If they are not, boil an additional 5 minutes. Once all the vegetables are cooked, let them cool to room temperature. Place the vegetables in a bowl or serving tray.
For the vinaigrette, mix the onion, vinegar, salt, and pepper to taste. Pour the mixture over the salad. Mix the vinaigrette well with the vegetables and serve.
NOTE: This salad can be eaten immediately or refrigerated to serve later. If you decide to refrigerate it, store the salad and vinaigrette separately. Add the vinaigrette just before serving.
Nutrition Facts
Per serving:
Calories: 165
Fat: 0.5 g
% Calories from Fat: 3%
Protein 3 g
Carbohydrates: 38g
Sugar: 4 g
Fiber: 6 g
Sodium: 167 mg
Elegí la receta de la ensalada chayote, papa y zanahoria que preparaba mi mamá en la República Dominicana porque es un plato que representa los sabores y tradiciones de mi país. El chayote, conocido como tayota en la República Dominicana, es un ingrediente muy utilizado en la cocina dominicana por su versatilidad y valor nutricional. Este guiso de vegetales no solo me conecta con mis raíces, sino que también refleja la simplicidad y la riqueza de la comida casera que crece en el campo y se disfruta en los hogares dominicanos. Es una receta que me trae recuerdos de mi infancia, cuando mi mamá la preparaba con amor, y es una forma de compartir una parte de nuestra cultura a través de la cocina basada en plantas.
Autora: Aifra Ruiz
Rinde 4: raciones
1 tayota (chayote) grande, pelada
1 zanahoria grande, pelada
2 papas grandes, peladas
2 cucharadas de vinagre de manzana
1 cucharadita de aceite de oliva
1 cebolla roja, picada en cubitos pequeños
Sal y pimienta al gusto
En una olla, hervir las zanahorias y las papas en agua durante 10 minutos a fuego medio. Agregar la tayota y continúa hirviendo por 10 minutos más. Pinchar los vegetales para confirmar que estén cocidos pero firmes. Si no lo están, hervir 5 minutos adicionales. Una vez que todos los vegetales estén cocidos, déjalos enfriar a temperatura ambiente. Colocar los vegetales en un tazón o bandeja para servir.
Para la vinagreta, mezclar la cebolla, el vinagre, la sal y la pimienta al gusto. Verter la mezcla sobre la ensalada. Mezclar bien la vinagreta con los vegetales y servir.
NOTA: Esta ensalada se puede comer de inmediato o refrigerar para servir más tarde. Si se refrigera, guardar la ensalada y la vinagreta por separado. Agregar la vinagreta justo antes de servir.
Información nutricional
Por porción:
Calorías: 165 calorías
Grasa: 0.5 gr
% de calorías procedentes de grasas: 3%
Proteína: 3 gr
Carbohidratos: 38 gr
Azúcar: 4 gr
Fibra: 6 gr
Sodio: 167 mg