Hispanic Heritage Month Plant-Based Cooking Demonstration: Red Pozole

The Physicians Committee’s Food for Life plant-based nutrition and cooking class program is celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month (Mes de la Hispanidad), Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, with a series of cooking demonstrations on Facebook that feature Food for Life instructors who are making recipes that honor the rich tapestry of Latin American flavors and traditions.
This week’s cooking demonstration was by Food for Life instructor Elizabeth Garcia of Yakima, Wash., who made Red Pozole, from her native Mexico. Below we share the recipe in both English and Spanish.
“Pozole Rojo brings me lots of family memories—cooking together along with my mother during special occasions and Christmas holidays as everyone gathers at the table,” says Elizabeth. “Now, I am able to still enjoy this hearty, warm, delicious veganized recipe and not feeling left out. It is all about the spices that bring up the flavor to this recipe. This brings me joy and happiness to share it with my own daughter and the rest of my family."
Last week, Food for Life instructor Aifra Ruiz, of New York, N.Y., made Tayota, Carrot, and Potato Salad, from her native Dominican Republic.
Be sure to join us on Comité De Médicos Facebook and Physicians Committee Facebook over the next two weeks for more cooking demonstrations:
- Thursday, Oct. 3, at 4 p.m. ET. Join Food for Life instructor Laura Rodriguez, of Monterrey, Mexico, for a cooking demonstration of Chipotle Enfrijoladas in English, from her native Mexico. Physicians Committee Facebook.
- Thursday, Oct. 10, at 4 p.m. ET. Join Food for Life instructor Maria Fernanda Hubeaut, of Kingston, N.Y., for a cooking demonstration of Chimichurri in Spanish, from her native Argentina. Comité De Médicos Facebook.
Makes 8 servings
2 dried chili pasilla pods, remove seeds
4 dried chili California pods, remove seeds
4 chiles de arbol (optional if you want to make it spicy)
1 medium onion, reserve 1/2
6 garlic gloves, 3 minced and 3 whole
2 Roma tomatoes
1 teaspoon dried ground cumin
1 tablespoon Mexican dried oregano (reserve 1/2 tablespoon)
4 bay leaves
10 cups low sodium vegetable broth
30 ounces hominy, drained and rinsed
1 1/2 cup white or baby portobello mushrooms, chopped
Salt to taste
Toppings per serving:
1/2 cup shredded green cabbage
5 radish slices
1 tablespoon chopped onion
Juice from 1/2 to 1 lime
1 teaspoon diced fresh jalapeño peppers (optional)
1 avocado slice (optional)
3-5 corn tortilla chips (optional)
In a pot, add 3 cups of water, both kinds of chili pods, tomato, 1/2 onion, and 3 garlic gloves and bring to boil for about 5 minutes. Transfer all ingredients to blender, add cumin, oregano, and 3 cups of cold water and blend well until smooth. In a different pot, saute sliced onion, minced garlic, and mushrooms, then transfer the blended liquid ingredients to the pot. Add vegetable broth, remaining oregano, bay leaves, hominy, and salt to taste. Let simmer for about 20-25 minutes on low heat. Serve warm topped with sliced green cabbage, sliced radish, onion, lime, diced fresh jalapeño peppers, avocado slice, and side of corn tortilla chips for each serving.
Nutrition Facts
Per serving: 110 calories, 3 g protein, 22 g carbohydrates, 7 g sugar, 14% calories from fat, 5 g fiber, 461 mg sodium.
“El Pozole Rojo me trae muchos recuerdos familiares: cocinar juntos con mi madre en ocasiones especiales y en las fiestas navideñas cuando todos se reúnen en la mesa. Ahora, todavía puedo disfrutar de esta abundante y cálida receta veganizada y no sentirme excluido. Se trata de las especias que aportan el sabor a esta receta. Esto me da alegría y felicidad al compartirlo con mi propia hija y el resto de mi familia.”
Rinde 8 porciones
2 chiles pasilla secos, sin semillas
4 chiles California secos, sin semillas
4 chiles de árbol (opcional si se quiere picoso)
1 cebolla mediana, (dividida: 1/2 cortada en rodajas y 1/2 sin cortar)
6 dientes de ajo (divididos: 3 picados y 3 enteros)
2 tomates Roma
1 cucharadita de comino molido
1 cucharada de orégano mexicano seco (separa ½ cucharada)
4 hojas de laurel
10 tazas de caldo vegetal bajo en sodio
30 oz maíz pozolero, escurrido y enjuagado
1 1/2 taza de champiñones portobello, cortados
Sal al gusto
Acompañantes por porción
1/2 taza de col verde rallada
5 rodajas de rábano
1 cucharada cebolla picada
Jugo de 1-2 a 1 limón
1 cucharadita jalapeño fresco picado (opcional)
1 rebanada de aguacate (opcional)
3-5 totopos o chips de tortilla (opcional)
En una olla agregar 3 tazas de agua, añadir ambos tipos de chile, tomate, 1/2 trozo de cebolla sin cortar, 3 dientes de ajo enteros y dejar hervir durante unos 5 minutos. Transferir todos los ingredientes a la licuadora, agregar el comino, el orégano y 3 tazas de agua fría. Procesar bien hasta que quede bien molido. En una olla diferente, saltear la cebolla en rodajas, el ajo picado y los champiñones, luego transferir la salsa de chiles a la olla. Agregar el caldo de verduras, el orégano restante, las hojas de laurel, el maíz pozolero y la sal al gusto. Dejar hervir a fuego lento durante unos 20-25 minutos. Servir caliente en platos hondos y agregar los acompañantes: repollo verde rallada, rábano en rodajas, cebolla picada, jugo de limón, chiles jalapeños frescos cortados en cubitos, rodaja de aguacate y totopos de maíz para cada porción.
Perfil nutricional
Por porción: 110 calorías, 3 gr proteína, 22 gr carbohidratos, 7 gr azúcar, 14 % de calorías procedentes de grasa, 5 gr fibra, 461 mg sodio