Kale by the Pound: Beyoncé Promotes Plant-Based Foods

How does Beyoncé wake up like that? She loves vegan food! Earlier today, the singer announced her partnership with 22 Days Nutrition’s plant-based home delivery meal service. And it’s not the first time she’s raved about the power of plants. Over the past year, Beyoncé has thrived on multiple vegan challenges and has helped push plant-based diets into the spotlight. On Instagram alone, she’s inspired more than 24 million fans with photos of colorful vegetable stir fries, nutrient-packed leafy green salads, and creative breakfast berry tortillas.
Research shows that when celebrities talk, people listen. By using her platform to show others how easy and appealing it can be to follow a plant-based diet, Beyoncé is helping to spread a message that will save lives.
Around the world, more than 1.4 billion adults are now overweight or obese. Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other lifestyle-related diseases are ravaging our health care system.
Fortunately, plant-based diets can help. Research shows that diets centered on vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and legumes have the power to prevent, and sometimes even reverse, serious chronic diseases. In recent studies, plant-based diets have proven effective at reversing heart disease, boosting brain health, treating type 2 diabetes, reducing migraine pain, and leading to the most weight loss when compared to other diets. Plant-based diets can even help keep energy levels up and stress levels down.
And even if you thought you’d be weak without meat, you’ll be stronger: Studies show that plant-based diets can strengthen your bones and reduce the risk for hip fractures.
Eating a vegan diet rich in vegetables can also keep you looking flawless by making your skin glow and keeping acne at bay.
looking flawless by making your skin glow and keeping acne at bay.
With such all-encompassing benefits, it’s no wonder that plant-based diets are taking center stage in 2015. Like Beyoncé, celebrities including Jennifer Lopez and Ariana Grande are raving about the power of plants. Public figures like Sen. Cory Booker are touting the many benefits of vegan diets, while entire cities are challenging themselves to eat plants to get healthier. More and more schools are taking meat off the menu by adopting Meatless Mondays, while MUSE School CA in Calabasas, Calif., is set to become the nation’s first vegan school later this year. Prominent doctors, like Kim Williams, M.D., president-elect of the American College of Cardiology, are now prescribing plants to their patients, while famed chefs are revamping their menus to move vegetables to the center of the plate.
Who runs the world? In 2015, the answer may very well be vegans!
Want tips for skin as flawless as Beyoncé’s? Load up with nutrient-packed, inflammation fighting foods this summer. You can also try her favorite vegan recipes at 22 Days Nutrition.