Participants in Fight Diabetes With Food India Find Success
Two participants in the Fight Diabetes With Food India program share their health successes that the program helped them achieve.

Mr. Suryanarayana Ganta was diagnosed with diabetes in 2009, and after every doctor’s visit, his list of medications would increase.
“It could have happened due to my poor lifestyle of eating. Basically, our family is vegetarian. So, we [eat] dairy products very regularly especially paneer at least twice a week. I consulted [with] many diabetes programs in India, but could not afford their programs. When I read the news of the Fight Diabetes With Food program in May in Times of India, I registered and downloaded Dr. Neal Barnard’s book on Diabetes reversal.
“Since then, I have been following the diet program very strictly, leaving [out] all dairy products including [in] tea and coffee. I was using [diabetes medication] in the morning and […] in the evening before this program. After starting this plan, I started reducing my medication and checking sugar levels every day. A few days ago, I stopped all my medication completely. Now, my sugar levels show 90 to 120 in fasting.". I [stopped eating] oil and sweets, and I lost 5.5 kilograms (12 pounds) of my weight. My stomach became flat.”
Another participant, Mr. Ram Peruvemba, had diabetes for the past 11 years. In the past five years things have gotten worse, with his HbA1C level shooting to 6.8 [add unit]. Since March, under the guidance provided in this program, he became a fan of Dr. Barnard’s and Dr. Esselstyn’s and switched to a whole-food, plant-based diet. After switching his diet, he reduced his HbA1C to 5.6, and his weight went down by almost 20 pounds. During a recent annual checkup, his cardiologist was shocked and said, “Congratulations, I no longer even consider you pre-diabetic.” He advised him to continue with the lifestyle change!
Physicians Committee is launching another free eight-week session of Fight Diabetes With Food India starting on Aug. 19 and ending on Oct. 7. Register at!