Plant-Powered Super Bowl: Tom Brady and Beyond Meat
Super Bowl LIII is powered by plants. NFL quarterback Tom Brady—who eats a primarily plant-based diet—is bringing the Patriots to the Super Bowl for the third consecutive year, this time taking on the Los Angeles Rams.
His biggest power play may be tackling the myth that milk does the body good by ditching the dairy. But Tom—whose former personal chef was featured on our Exam Room podcast—isn’t the only NFL player embracing a plant-based diet. Tennessee Titans linebacker Derrick Morgan saw improvements in his performance and ability to recover after he began following a plant-based diet.
Derrick also inspired teammates to eat more plant-based meals, which are prepared by his wife, Charity, who is a trained chef. In the latest episode of the Exam Room, she shares her Super Bowl recipe for plant-based spinach and artichoke dip.
More and more athletes like Tom and Derrick are turning to the performance-boosting power of a plant-based diet. The science backs them up. A new scientific review by the Physicians Committee shows how plant-based athletes benefit from improvements in heart health, performance, and recovery.
If that’s not enough inspiration for fans to try a plant-based diet, maybe the first Super Bowl ad for a plant-based burger will help them tackle meat. Fast-food restaurant Carl’s Jr. will air an ad featuring the Beyond Burger. Perfect timing: The Physicians Committee’s clinical research team just published a study that found vegan burgers make men feel full longer than beef burgers.
Good luck to both teams this weekend. No matter the outcome, plant-based diets will prevail!