Thirty Years of Better Nutrition, Improved Research

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine was founded by Neal Barnard, M.D., on April 16, 1985.
In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Physicians Committee, I would like to announce the opening of the Barnard Medical Center in the fall of 2015. After years of campaigns to boost nutrition and ethical research standards across the country, we’re looking forward to branching out within our local Washington, D.C. community.
The Physicians Committee’s dietitians, doctors, volunteers, and Food for Life instructors have worked together over the years on everything from nutrition classes to clinical research studies held at our office. Now, we’re adding patient care to our roster. The Barnard Medical Center will be located in the Friendship Heights neighborhood of Washington, D.C.
We’ve hired several new staff members—including physicians, a nurse practitioner, and dietitians—and a few additional positions are still open. Working with individuals one-on-one is a natural and exciting extension of our work to change national nutrition policies on using diet for disease prevention. Not only will we continue to lobby on Capitol Hill and launch nutrition programs in school cafeterias, we’ll also help individuals transform their lives in the doctor’s office!
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