Detroit Local Health Professionals Launch Plant-Based Nutrition Campaign

WASHINGTON—Local health professionals in Detroit, Mich., will team up in August to provide city residents with all the tools they need to follow a healthful plant-based vegan diet.
The Kickstart Your Health Detroit program, created by the nonprofit Physicians Committee, provides Detroit residents with a nutrition blueprint to reach optimal health and reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, certain forms of cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease later in life.
The dietary pattern—rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes—is scientifically proven to boost metabolism, lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and provide a cost-effective solution to today’s chronic health problems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that 92 percent of Michigan adults fall short of consuming at least two servings of vegetables each day.
The Kickstart Your Health Detroit team star in four billboards with seasonal fare: broccoli, kale, peppers, and tomatoes. The billboards post on July 31 and feature taglines to capture travelers’ attention and showcase benefits of a plant-based diet: “Detroit: Eat more fruits and vegetables, cut the meat and dairy”, “We lost 70 pounds by switching to a plant-based diet”, “5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day may keep the doctor way,” and “Plant-based diets fight: Heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes.”
“As a nutritionist, I have seen how diet can influence the risk of disease and health conditions,” says Velonda Anderson, Ph.D., owner of Sweet Potato Delights and an integral part of the Kickstart Your Health Detroit campaign. “Choosing a plant-based eating pattern can help local residents maintain a healthy body weight, support adequate nutritional needs, and reduce the risk of chronic disease.”
Dr. Anderson, alongside Kickstart Your Health Detroit leaders Paul Chatlin, Quiana “Que” Broden, Joel Kahn, M.D., and, Kim and Marc Ramirez, will provide the entire city with a free health fest showcasing local health organizations and offering free health screenings, nutrition and healthy lifestyle tips, a movie screening, and cooking demos.
The Motor City Health Fest will take place at the Eastern on Aug. 10 from 6-9:30 p.m. with a screening of the film Forks Over Knives, which provides case studies to support Hippocrates’ quote “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
Media Contact
Jeanne Stuart McVey