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  1. Ethical Science News

  2. Feb 20, 2018

Miniature Model to Study Human Wound Healing

Screenshot from video showing blood cells streaming through a "wound" and a clot forming. The red-stained cells are actually white blood cells. A green extracellular glue can be seen at the top of the wound; this is fibrin, which holds the clot together. Credit: Yumiko Sakurai, Emory/Georgia Tech. 

Study in a Sentence: Biomedical engineers recently created a miniature device composed of blood vessels, a valve that induces a “wound,” and the flow of blood to recapitulate the wound healing process seen during injury in humans. They used the human-based system to understand the role of several key clotting factors for blood clot formation.

Healthy for Humans: The system helped the scientists to determine the defects causing excessive bleeding in hemophila A patients as well as to assess the specific effects of blood clotting drugs. Thus, the model can be used as a screening tool for drugs to modulate human wound healing, a diagnostic tool to identify patients with bleeding disorders, and a personalized medicine tool to determine the optimal individualized drug treatments to modulate clotting. 

Redefining Research: Unlike previous models which only simulate one aspect of the wound healing process, this system reproduce all components of the human small blood vessel injury and repair process.


  1. Sakurai Y, Hardy ET, Ahn B, et al. A microengineered vascularized bleeding model that integrates the principal components of hemostasis. Nat Commun. 2018;9:509. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-02990-x

Bleeding device video

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