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  1. Ethical Science News

  2. Sep 26, 2016

New Model for Studying Blood Vessel Growth

Researchers recently used human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to design a new test model that could replace animal use for drug screening and toxicity assessment for angiogenesis (the process of new blood vessel growth).

iPSCs are created from patient cells such as a skin biopsy and can be directed to become different cell types.  In this new model, cells that form blood vessels were arranged in an organized fashion so researchers could screen for factors required for angiogenesis. This model rapidly tested known drugs that inhibit angiogenesis and identified six new inhibitors and five toxic compounds from screening 38 drug candidates.


  1. Belair DG, Schwartz MP, Knudsen T, Murphy WL. Human iPSC-derived endothelial cell sprouting assay in synthetic hydrogel arrays. Acta Biomater. 2016;39:12-24.

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